Answering questions in English proficiency tests is the only challenge that the students face. Managing time seems to be the most concerning aspect of these tests. These English tests have time limitations for every section. So, you need to learn how to answer the questions within the given time frame. Some of these tests are computerized. So, the screen will just go away once your time is up for a particular section. So, the examiners not only see how good you are in English but also judge how you perform under pressure. So, learning how to manage time effectively is very important. Most of the English Proficiency tests have the same structure: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. The timing for each section is also similar. Here we will learn about some time management strategies.

Listening test

In this test, the candidates have to listen to audio recordings and understand the conversation or talk. Then they have to answer the questions within a short time. To quickly answer the questions you must listen effectively. Also, efficient note-taking is necessary. One trick is to read the questions and answer options ( in the case of MCQs) before the audio recordings are played. That way you will know what to anticipate. The chance is that you will know the answer quickly.

You need to know how to grasp the main points quickly. When writing notes, don't write the entire sentence or word. Use abbreviations and symbols whenever you can. You will be reading this later, so just make sure you understand what you are writing.

Reading test

In the reading test, the examiner will test your ability to understand written texts. You won't get the time to read the entire text word-by-word. You must skim through the lines and note down the main points. A good strategy is to read the first paragraph to get an idea about the passage. Then read the first lines of each paragraph to find out what the paragraph is about. Usually, in a reading passage, each paragraph explains one point. Note down the keywords in each paragraph. Then read the conclusion. Go to the questions. Whenever you come across keywords that appear in one of the paragraphs, read that paragraph in detail to find the answer to the question. If you can locate the answer quickly, you can save a lot of time.

Writing test

In the writing test, the candidates have to express their thoughts in writing using various words. Planning is important in writing as you need to connect the ideas properly so they sound good together. Develop phrases and sentences that take less time. Keep enough time for revision and proofreading.

Speaking test

This section of the test examines the candidates' ability to talk in English and express their thoughts in an organized manner. Before starting to speak about a topic, take a few seconds to arrange your thoughts. You shouldn't speak too fast or too slow. Pick up the right pace and avoid saying blank words like 'um' or 'uh'. It wastes time and shows that you are not a fluent English speaker.

General time management tips

Do timed practice tests You must do lots of practice tests to get familiar with the question patterns. Make sure that you practice them in timed conditions. Have a stopwatch ready and see how you perform. If you can't complete a particular section on time, then focus on that section and try to answer questions quickly.

Practice speaking In the English proficiency tests, you will have a speaking section. Practice your speaking lessons with a friend so that you can get feedback about your performance. The other person can tell you where you are losing time and you need to quicken up. You should spend more time explaining the important points. So, making a quick plan before speaking is very crucial.

It is normal for the candidates to get nervous in the exam hall due to the time pressure. To reduce your anxiety you can do deep breathing exercises. If you can feel relaxed then you will be able to manage time more efficiently. You should visualize yourself that you are managing the time properly. This will prevent you from panicking.

Allocate the time proportionately in each section. Divide your time depending on the number of questions and the difficulty level. You should prioritize questions according to the marks they carry. If you are unsure of the answer, don't spend too much time on it. Just move on to the next one.

Many people will advise you to skip a question if you are unsure of the answer and then come back later. But with such a tight schedule it seems to be impossible to get the time to come back and attend the question. In such a case, it is better to attempt the question anyway and move forward. If the test you are giving doesn't have any negative marking, then your score won't be affected.

You must arrive at the exam hall early so that you get the time to sit at your desk properly and start writing in the best condition. Try to sleep early the night before so that you are in the best health condition the next day.

There is nothing more effective than practicing questions with time before the exam. You will notice that often you are unable to complete the questions. So, you must find out what is slowing you down and work to improve that condition. When writing, if it's taking time to think of a complex word, then write a simple word instead, for example. With the right techniques, you can complete the English proficiency exam on time.
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